Post 7: My best friend

The first I want to say is about I don't like to talk about the best or favorite, because I fell that don't exist only one thing that be the best or the favorite. So I have very few good friend. And for this moment I want to write about two of them. Their names are Catalina and Masako. Both I know in the school, and the friendship was increase with the time. But keep the friendship is difficult because each of us take a different ways. When we finished the school Masako went to live a Florida, so we keep our friendship online, is the same that she was here, we take the time for talk about our life, what thing we do, what's boy like, or about anything. Masako is Cuban and in 2019 we met in Cuba, that was exciting. With Catalina our friendship started when finished the school, she studied Contemporary Dance and we are connected with the arts, but the most important is that with she I am the same girl that I have sixteen years old, we can to cry of so much laugh. I can count on with she for anything is amazing person, we are real confidant. Only I want says that both of them are very very important for my life, without of them my life would not be the same.


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