
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2019

Post 3: Someone I would like to meet

When we talk about someone that we would like to meet, always i think in Marcel Duchamp. Ok, I know that's impossible because he passed away. The reason is because i think he was a funny and amazing person, Who is Marcel Duchamp? But he is the father of contemporary arts. He was born on 28 July 1887 in France. He is an artist but he never finished his study in arts, neither he was a painters. He was the first person in believing that the arts is an idea, he is famous because he was inventor of ready made, but he is so much more than this. I know that you are wondering, what's ready made? The word comes from of French "Objet trouvé" in English is found arts.   The ready made are objects made for the industry, in other words it is something already done, this object are being taken away its use and the artist gives a new meaning to the object. The more famous ready made is The Fountain, 1917. Duchamp signed as R. Mutt. this name sounded like "armut" in Ge

Post 2: The best concert ever

The best concert I ever seen is Nathy Peluso' concert. She is argentine and she sing urban music. The concert wast the last years on the Blondie nightclub. She is an artist interdisciplinary. She have what we know as "sazon latino". You can fell this when she is on the stage, she gave everything when she is on the stage and she dances incredible well. And when she sing you want to dance right now. I went with my best friend Cata, and we dance all night. I like Nathy Peluso because she propose a feminist look about urban music. She is not the typical singer of hip hop, she mixed with the latin music like salsa, merengue, baladas, etc. And her style is 90's. She propose a women with power, with self-confidence and she transmit the happiness of the music, what we know "el sabor" of the music. The music is fell in our body so you have to dance how you want. She remind me that it doesn't matter what people think of me. Ok, and to finish My favorite s

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

I would love to go Italy. I like all thing of this country, I love its food, arts, city, architecture, everything. Its history is very interesting, they have tradicional literature, philosophy and arts this is very important to understand the modern world. So I like to visit its museum and art gallery, I love the classic art, so I spend many time to know this places. Italy is very important for the classic history of art, so i would like to study there. One of my dreams is to live in Italy to study and to work. Also I would like to know its beautiful city, like Rome, Florence, Naples, Milan and Venice. I will lose in the street, looking its architecture and taking photos and having a coffee. Also i love it the food, so i will go to eat pasta, pizza, with an Italian wine, I thing this is pleasure of God and it is better with the good company. 

Presentation class Level 4

Hello, my name is Francesca Espinoza. I studied history of art. i finished all my class ecxep level  4 of English. Then, to finish my career and i can graduate, i need to pass level 4. That's why now i am doing the level 4. My weakness about learning English are that i don't know a lot of words in English, my vocabulary is too poor, then sometimes i dont know what words i can use. My strengths are that i know someone grammatical structure, like the use the present and past simple, use the present and past continuos, use the present and past perfect.